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New View Wellness

Group Therapy in Atlanta, GA

Group Therapy in Atlanta, GA

Group therapy in Atlanta is an effective part of comprehensive and personalized treatment at New View Wellness. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 57.8 million adults suffered from a mental illness in 2021, with 14.1 million suffering from a serious mental illness. We incorporate group therapy along with other evidence-based and holistic modalities to ensure our clients receive patient-centric care for improved mental health and well-being.

To learn whether New View Wellness is right for you or your loved one, contact us today.

What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a type of evidence-based therapy where people with similar mental health disorders are treated in a group setting by one or more therapists. The purpose of group therapy is to target a specific topic, skill, or issue or develop coping strategies. Group therapy offers the following benefits:

  • Makes people feel less isolated and alone
  • Helps build a sense of community and connection with others
  • Provides opportunities to learn from others
  • Helps improve communication and socialization skills
  • Helps develop and practice coping techniques
  • Educates people about their mental health condition

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Types of Group Therapy We Provide in Atlanta

New View Wellness offers different types of group therapy in Atlanta. Each session is designed to have different objectives and goals. Participating in each of the different types of group therapy is part of a well-rounded treatment plan to help people successfully manage their mental health disorders

Psychoeducational Groups

Psychoeducational group sessions are instructor-led and cover a specific topic in each session. They are similar to classroom learning, where participants learn more about the topic, coping strategies, and other useful information about mental health conditions. While there is less sharing, there are opportunities to ask and answer questions.   

Process Groups

Process group therapy is the type of group therapy most people are familiar with. Sessions are less structured and may have a specific topic for the group to discuss or be more open, allowing participants to bring up topics and issues for discussion. Everyone can have an opportunity to participate by asking or answering questions or sharing one’s own personal experiences. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Groups

DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) is an evidence-based form of talk therapy that incorporates various aspects of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). DBT in a group setting helps people learn effective skills for managing intense behaviors, emotions, and feelings. The skills covered in DBT sessions include:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Mindfulness
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Distress tolerance

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups

CBT is one of the most widely used evidence-based therapies to treat mental health disorders. It is a type of psychotherapy that helps people change their behaviors and thought process to more effectively manage their issues using positive responses. In a group setting, participants work together to identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, discuss their currently underlying beliefs, and then use cognitive restructuring and positive affirmations to bring about positive changes.

Support Groups

Support groups are a unique type of group therapy. Instead of being led by a therapist, support groups are peer-led. The purpose of support groups is to provide a safe space for people to express themselves without being criticized or judged.

They provide an opportunity for others to connect with each other, share similar experiences and stories, and receive emotional support. Instead of providing feedback about what someone shares, the group listens as individuals talk about their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts related to their mental health disorder. 

Skills Development Groups

Skills development groups focus on helping people learn and practice various skills to improve their everyday lives. It involves opportunities for role-play while building and practicing:

  • Social skills
  • Communication skills
  • Coping skills 

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

New View Wellness is an industry leader in mental health treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

Our Programs That Offer Groups Therapy

  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Our PHP (partial hospitalization program) is a form of outpatient treatment that provides an intensive and highly structured level of care. It is for people who have a supportive home environment or are transitioning from a residential program.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): Our IOP (intensive outpatient program) provides more flexibility than our PHP and is a step-down level of care. It is well-suited for people who can effectively manage their condition outside of treatment while continuing other responsibilities, such as work or school.
  • OP: Our OP (outpatient program) offers the most flexibility while still providing ongoing support and care to maintain improved mental health. People can continue working on their coping skills, specific concerns, or other issues in weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly sessions.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy offers several benefits as part of a comprehensive mental health treatment plan, including:

  • Learns new perspectives from one’s peers
  • Increases self-awareness about one’s self, feelings, emotions, and behaviors
  • Learns effective socialization and communication skills
  • Identifies one’s triggers and develops effective coping skills
  • Reduces the sense of feeling isolated and alone
  • Being able to create new friendships and receive support from one’s peers
  • Costs less than individual therapy while still providing similar benefits
  • Encourages problem-solving and collaboration with others
  • Provides opportunities to role-play and try out new skills and techniques
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem

Meet Our Therapists

Alexis Solomon - Clinical Coordinator LAPC

Alexis Solomon

Clinical Coordinator, LAPC

LaShonica Giles - Primary Therapist

LaShonica Giles

Primary Therapist

Monique Rhymer -Primary Therapist

Monique Rhymer

Primary Therapist

Begin Group Therapy in Atlanta for Improved Mental Health Today

When you are suffering from a mental health disorder, you are not alone. At New View Wellness, our group therapy in Atlanta can help benefit you as you retake control of your mental well-being. Our group therapy sessions are part of our personalized and comprehensive treatment programs.

Contact us today to start group therapy sessions. 

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