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New View Wellness

PTSD Treatment Center in Atlanta, Georgia

When you receive PTSD treatment in Atlanta at New View Wellness, your symptoms can begin improving quickly. Unfortunately, if you are one of the millions of Americans whose lives have been disrupted by PTSD, please know that you are not alone. More importantly, know that this is a treatable condition. 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 7% of adults in the United States will develop PTSD over the course of their lifetime. The NIMH also reports that more than one-third of those who develop this disorder will experience serious impairment due to the intensity of their symptoms.

New View Wellness offers outpatient mental health programs in Atlanta so that you can recover from PTSD with ease and flexibility. Call us now at 866-456-1135.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a shortened version of the term posttraumatic stress disorder. It is a mental health concern that develops in the aftermath of one or more traumatic experiences.

Among the general public, PTSD is probably most commonly associated with military combat. Warfare can put a person at risk for PTSD. However it’s far from the only type of traumatic event that can precede the onset of this condition.

Other experiences that can cause PTSD include automobile accidents, serious illnesses, physical attacks, sexual assault, childhood abuse or neglect, tornadoes and other extreme weather events, and acts of terrorism. 

A person may develop PTSD after being directly involved in traumatic circumstances, witnessing a traumatic event, or learning the details of a traumatic experience that occurred to a loved one. 

Woman at our PTSD treatment center in Atlanta, GA

How PTSD Treatment in Atlanta Works

At New View Wellness in Atlanta, outpatient PTSD treatment may include several types of therapy, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

ACT can help people become more mindful of their thoughts and actions. The goal is to accept the unpleasant emotions without feeling the need to avoid or hide from them. In addition, the skills developed can help them manage distressing thoughts in a healthy manner without compromising their core values.

DBT focuses on four skill areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT skills can prevent people from engaging in self-defeating behaviors in response to difficult emotions. They can also help people calm their minds during times of stress, express their needs in a healthy way, and make better decisions.

Outpatient PTSD treatment at our center in Atlanta may also include individual counseling, medication management, and family therapy. We work closely with each person to identify their needs and determine which services can help them achieve their immediate and long-term treatment goals.

Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder can affect how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It can undermine their ability to maintain healthy relationships, make progress in school or at work, and otherwise enjoy a healthy and satisfying life.

Signs and symptoms of PTSD can include the following:

  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Recurring intrusive memories of the trauma
  • Feeling disconnected from your surroundings
  • Feeling detached from your own thoughts and emotions
  • Inability to experience joy
  • Persistent state of tension or fear
  • Being easily startled
  • Abusing alcohol or other drugs
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Outbursts of anger or violence
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Enduring sense of shame or guilt
  • Difficulties concentrating or focusing

The symptoms of PTSD can be different from person to person. It isn’t necessary for a person to have all the symptoms listed above to be diagnosed with PTSD. Anyone who exhibits any of these signs may be in crisis, and they should be brought to the attention of a qualified mental health professional.

Where to find PTSD treatment near me in Atlanta, Georgia

Types of PTSD

The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) only contains one entry for PTSD. However, therapists, counselors, and other mental health providers have identified other types of PTSD. 

Here are a few examples of these additional types of PTSD:

Complex PTSD: Sometimes referred to as C-PTSD or CPTSD, complex PTSD is characterized by particularly severe symptoms that are experienced by people who have endured extreme or repeated trauma. People who have survived childhood abuse, prolonged periods of neglect, and torture are among those who may develop complex PTSD.

Comorbid or co-occurring PTSD: This refers to people who have PTSD and at least one other mental or behavioral health disorder. If a person is living with addiction and co-occurring PTSD, this is referred to as dual diagnosis. When someone receives treatment for co-occurring PTSD, their care should also address the other conditions they have developed. 

Acute stress disorder (ASD): As defined by the National Center for PTSD, which is part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, acute stress disorder may be a precursor to PTSD. Symptoms of ASD are similar to those of PTSD, but ASD symptoms occur within one month of the traumatic event. To be diagnosed with PTSD, a person must experience symptoms that last longer than a month. 

If you think that you might have a type of PTSD, it is important for you to be assessed by a qualified mental health expert. Getting an accurate diagnosis can help you connect with the type and level of treatment that’s right for you.

What to Expect During Outpatient PTSD Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

When you receive outpatient PTSD treatment in Atlanta at New View Wellness, you can expect to work with compassionate professionals in a safe and welcoming environment. 

We understand how PTSD can undermine a person’s self-confidence and negatively impact how they view themselves and the world around them. We also realize that untreated PTSD can cause people to feel isolated from their loved ones and experience diminished hope for the future. And we work closely with each person to help them overcome these negative emotions and self-defeating thoughts.

Throughout your time in our Atlanta outpatient PTSD treatment program, our team will help you rediscover your innate strengths and abilities. Here, you can process your experiences, discuss your hopes and fears, and receive focused guidance from people who truly care about your well-being.

Every step of the way, you can also expect to be treated with the compassion and respect you deserve.

Begin Outpatient PTSD Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

If you have been seeking outpatient PTSD treatment in Atlanta, New View Wellness may be the ideal place for you. Our team of skilled caregivers can help you find your path toward improved health and a more hopeful future. When you’re ready to get started, New View Wellness is here for you. Contact us today to learn more about our PTSD treatment services or to schedule an intake assessment.

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