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New View Wellness

Depression Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

Depression affects the lives of millions of people. Without proper professional care, a person can spend years feeling miserable. New View Wellness offers depression treatment in Atlanta, GA that gives people the hope they deserve. Our therapists and other clinical staff use proven therapeutic methods to help minimize and even eliminate many symptoms of depression.

What to Expect at Depression Treatment Centers in Atlanta, Georgia

Our outpatient mental health programs in Atlanta provides a well-rounded approach to healing. We offer multiple therapy modalities that prove helpful in treating depression. We offer the following outpatient programs:

Because our programs are all outpatient, this means you can take advantage of the kind of help that fits your needs and lifestyle. Outpatient programs take place during the day. This allows you to still live at home and tend to family and work obligations. Our goal is to help you identify the triggers that cause depression and learn to control and even eliminate many of the symptoms.

Woman at depression treatment in Atlanta

Do I Need Depression Treatment?

All too often, someone mistakes having depression for just having a case of the blues. They believe if they are patient, things will get better on their own. What may feel like a typical case of sadness can be major depressive disorder. This mental health disorder affects many areas of the person’s life. If they find they cannot climb out of feeling low and resume normal feelings, they may need depression treatment in Atlanta. Receiving an evaluation from a physician or therapist can help a person determine if they need treatment for depression.

Causes of Depression

Many things can contribute to developing depression. A person’s brain chemistry can be a factor. Genetics can be a part of it because many mental illnesses run in families. Depression can develop as a result of going through a stressful life event such as a divorce, trauma, or the death of a loved one. Serious accidents and long-term illnesses can also contribute to someone becoming depressed. 

Additionally, someone who has another mental health disorder, such as anxiety or PTSD, may also develop depression. Depression can also be brought on when a person abuses drugs or alcohol. Even unhealthy habits like poor diet, lack of exercise, and isolation can contribute to developing signs of depression.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Someone who has depression will feel sad, hopeless, and unable to climb out of the pit of these devastating feelings. They may feel physically sick and also have a sense of worthless or unexplained guilt. Other signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Lack of energy
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Difficulty concentrating or making simple choices
  • Crying jags
  • Irritability
  • Work, school, and home life are impacted by depression
  • Unexplained body aches and pains
  • Change in weight
  • Change in appetite 
  • Suicidal thoughts and feelings
  • Using alcohol or drugs to alleviate depressed feelings

Types of Depression Treated in Atlanta, Georgia

It is important to understand the various types of depression to treat individuals effectively. Our Atlanta depression treatment center addresses several types of depression, including:

  • Major Depression: This is also known as clinical depression and includes a wide range of depression symptoms. 
  • Melancholia: This type of depression is considered severe and often includes physical symptoms. 
  • Psychotic Depression: A type of depression that includes delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.
  • Antenatal and Postnatal Depression: Depression that develops or worsens before and/or after childbirth. 
  • Dysthymic Disorder: Known as “long-term” depression. This type occurs for at least two years. 
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): When a person experiences depression at certain times of the year. Typically, symptoms worsen during winter.

Effective Depression Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

At our Atlanta depression treatment center, we perform an initial assessment of everyone who comes to us in order to understand their particular needs. Categorized as a mood disorder, depression does not feel the same to everyone, nor does each person have the same symptoms. Our assessment helps us formulate a specific plan to help people. Truly effective depression treatment in Atlanta means having access to several types of therapy. Each one offers certain benefits that help people who suffer from depression. 

Medications can also play an important part in treating depression. Some people only need to use FDA-approved medications short-term in order to achieve good results. Others may benefit from using a med long-term. Treatment for depression should include monitoring the use of medications and making any necessary changes.

Person entering depression treatment in Atlanta at New View.

Why Choose Our Depression Treatment Center in Atlanta?

We don’t believe there is just one type of therapy that helps people overcome depression. With that in mind, we offer the following therapy modalities:
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
Psychiatry and Medication Management
Family therapy
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
Genetic testing
A big advantage of our depression treatment in Atlanta involves our committed team. We employ experts in the field of treating depression who show up for work every day ready to help people make progress in healing their mental health. Our staff uses compassion and discretion when treating each person. 
Our depression treatment center in Atlanta can also help treat symptoms related to other mental health issues. This includes feelings of anxiety, panic attacks, and trauma-induced symptoms. For those who also deal with dual diagnosis, we can help with that, too. Dual diagnosis is the presence of a mental health disorder like depression alongside an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Begin Depression Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

Living with depression limits how a person lives their life. This challenging mental illness does not disappear on its own. New View Wellness offers quality depression treatment in Atlanta that changes lives. We help people understand the source of some of their depressive feelings. We teach them healthy coping skills learned in the different levels of therapy we provide. Additionally, we can treat depression with FDA-approved medications that alleviate many of the symptoms of depression. 

If you would like more information, contact us now. Let us help you or someone you love overcome a life of depression.

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