Do you ever feel like starting a task or project and mentally checking out?

You may feel mentally checked out in a general way and wonder what causes it.

New View Wellness in Atlanta helps people improve their mental health by attending the right therapies that help heal their specific needs.

We show people how to feel more confident and invested in what’s going on in their lives and plan bright futures.

It helps them want to stay checked in and participate fully in their lives.

How Can You Tell If You Are Mentally Checked Out?

The definition of being mentally checked out can differ for each person, but some signs are universal.

The symptoms can appear in how a person feels, thinks, acts, and reacts to others. Common signs of being mentally checked out include:

No Motivation: A person or an activity might have previously filled the person with excitement, but now they find it difficult or impossible to muster enthusiasm. Even simple tasks or conversations can prove exhausting and burn the person out. 

Difficulty Accomplishing Much: The person may get behind at work or school or be unable to fulfil commitments made to others. 

Loss of Interest in Hobbies and Pastimes: Being mentally checked out can mean no longer caring about social events or participating in favourite hobbies or pastimes. Even the idea of finding new activities may feel like too much trouble.

Constantly Feeling Tired: Being checked out can cause a person to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. This can manifest as lethargy or disturbances in sleep.

Symptoms of Mental Illness: Someone who has checked out from life may be showing signs of a mental health disorder. They may be experiencing depression, anxiety, trauma-based illnesses, or other mental illnesses that can be treated.

Where Do Most People Mentally Check Out?

When someone becomes mentally checked out, it can be related to specific situations or parts of their life.

While someone may check out mentally without a pattern or feel in a constant state of mind, some common places trigger the need to remove oneself from what’s going on. 

Everyone has a day or two when they can’t focus on their job. It becomes a problem when the person mentally checks out from it for an extended period.

The reasons for this can vary but often include a person feeling unfulfilled by their job but not knowing how to transition to another one or feeling intimidated to try doing that.

Alternatively, they may love their career choice but be overwhelmed by too many responsibilities or looming deadlines.

It can cause them to try to put their minds on hold while they get through each workday.

Someone’s personal life can cause them to feel mentally checked out.

They might be overwhelmed by ongoing demands on their time or a crisis they are trying to manage.

They might also simply be tired of having a dull routine day after day, which causes them to go through the motions without really registering any emotions. 

Another place that can cause someone to check out mentally is being in a relationship.

It can be because the relationship is complicated and full of discord, whether with a family member, close friend, or a romantic partner.

When the individual reaches overload, putting their mind on hold can feel more effortless.

For others, it can be a relationship that has become monotonous and doesn’t hold the same value it used to, which tempts them to check out mentally.

How Do I Check Back In?

Now that you know you mentally checked out, how do you check back in?

First, take stock of what parts of your life have been affected by checking out.

Set goals to help you regain excitement about your life, such as changes to your career or personal relationships.

When you check out, practice mindfulness to stay in the moment. Do some deep breathing exercises, take a yoga class, or learn how to meditate. 

Talk to people you trust who can help you identify areas of your life that can benefit from change.

Opening up and discussing your problems can help you determine what steps to take to correct them. In addition, make sure you are taking care of yourself physically.

Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get on a sleep schedule. A check-up with your doctor can help correct any problems in this area. 

Finally, consider speaking with a mental health therapist to determine whether checking out is a sign of a bigger problem.

Talk therapy and holistic therapy can help you set worthwhile goals and improve the symptoms caused by poor mental health.

Find Treatment To Improve Your Mental Health

Do you feel mentally checked out and want to understand what’s happening?

New View Wellness in Atlanta can provide an assessment that helps you understand your mental health and how you can improve it.

We treat several types of mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more.

Our skilled therapists use their experience to get to know you and guide you through therapy modalities that can improve your life.

If you want to learn more about our program, contact us now. We can help you feel mentally checked in and excited about life again.